Nuit effrayante chez Freddy

Nuit effrayante chez Freddy
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À propos du jeu
Nuit effrayante chez Freddy thrusts you into the heart of a mysterious, dimly-lit establishment, where the animatronic inhabitants are far from friendly. While it draws inspiration from the famed Cinq nuits at Freddy's series, this game creates a unique atmosphere of its own, ensuring that even seasoned players find themselves at the edge of their seats.
Révéler les mystères dans Creepy Night at Freddy's
Contrôles informatiques :
- WASD - Déplacer
- Maintenez C - Accroupissez-vous
- Maj gauche (appuyez) - Basculer course/marche
- Mouvement de la souris - Rotation de la caméra